Nov 2, 2010

Golden Retriever

This is my favorite dog breed! I have had two golden retrievers who have both been the best dogs I could ask for! For additional information on this breed, comment with your questions.

ATTENTION: Dog Owners!

Some of the food we love, may be deadly to dogs! Due to their different metabolism, these foods can cause anything from mild digestive upsets, to severe illness, and even death. This list contains some of the most common foods which are bad for dogs:
  • Avocado
  • Bones from fish, poultry, or other meat sources
  • Cat food
  • Chocolate, coffee, tea, and other caffeine
  • Citrus oil extracts
  • Fat trimmings 
  • Fish (raw, canned or cooked) If fed exclusively or in high amounts
  • Grapes, raisins and currants
  • Human vitamin supplements containing iron
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Milk and other dairy products
  • Moldy or spoiled food, garbage
  • Mushrooms
  • Onions and garlic
  • Persimmons Seeds
  • Pits from peaches and plums
  • Raw eggs
  • Raw meat
  • Rhubarb leaves
  • Salt If eaten in large quantities
  • Yeast dough

Beware of these foods for your dog!

Article Link

Oct 26, 2010

For Hints On Humans, Scientists Study Dogs' Thinking

Scientists at Harvard University's Canine Cognition Lab hope to study the behaviors of dogs to better understand those of humans. Dogs are being brought into the research to understand humans because they perform better in tasks, such as following the direction of a pointed finger, than animals more closely related to humans like chimpanzees. Scientists are also studying dogs because they are of a few unique species who has lived with humans for years. They are interested to see if some of the human traits that dogs observe have rubbed off on them. Researchers at Harvard and more established dog labs say their work could have many practical results, including new therapies for misbehaving dogs and more stimulating ways to play them.

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